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The Benefits of Roofing Overhangs

BRAX Roofing gaithersburg

Roofing systems come in many shapes and sizes. Homeowners design them according to their personal aesthetic, functionality, and weather resistance.

The design element that we’ll be looking at today is the roof overhang. The roof overhang is the part of the roof that extends beyond the siding of your home. While roof overhangs are pretty standard, many do not know their functionality and why they’re installed.

Keep reading as we unpack the functionality and benefits of a roof overhang.

Rain and Snow Protection

Protecting your home from inclement weather is important, and a roof overhang will do just the job. It’s also great for protecting your windows and doors from the snow, rain, and hail downpour.

This protection can prevent wooden window frames and doors from rotting and prevents mold and mildew from growing on your walkways, windowsills, and walls.

Dry Basement and Foundation

By protecting your home from the penetration of snow, rain, and hail, you’re able to prevent water from seeping into the basement or your foundation.

Basements and foundations are prone to mold growth due to their dark and warm environments. By keeping these areas dry, they’ll remain in good working condition for years to come.

Light Installations

A roof overhang is a great place to add lighting fixtures, illuminating your home and highlighting all of its beautiful features. These light installations are a great way to guide you to your doorstep or any area around your home during the night or when the weather may be less than favorable. They also provide an excellent staging area for Christmas lights and decorations.


Roof overhangs perfectly shade your home from the intense heat and light of the sun. This shade, in turn, makes your home significantly cooler, thus helping you save on your energy bills.

The sun is a powerful and alluring force that can turn ordinary objects into dull, lifeless pieces of junk. However, there are ways to protect your home from the ravages of the sun, with a professionally installed roof overhang.

For more information on roof overhangs or any other roofing inquiries, do not hesitate to call BRAX Roofing today!

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